Sunday, September 18, 2011

Independence Day!

 Guatemalans celebrate their independence with many parades, fireworks, and much music. The country received independence from Spain in 1821.
Quetzales flying in the parade. They are the national bird of Guatemala!

Gabby and Ricardo, my host siblings, watching the morning parade

     The morning of Independence Day, I went with my family to watch the parade that marched throughout the whole town. There were so many people crowding the streets of Antigua! In the parade there were many school marching bands. They have been practicing playing their instruments the whole year for this day so it didn't surprise me when at 9pm I heard the bands continue to play. At one point in the day I was at school and a band was marching on the street right outside. In the classroom I was in there are very large windows that extend out over the street with bars covering them. Four of us were able to stand in the window and watch the band pass below!

And at night...
This is Parque Central, where all events happen

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